T MP9 QD adaptor fits on all 14mm ccw treaded barrels and allows the impressive B&T MP9 Barrel Extension Tube.

KWA MP9 GBB BK / MP9 GBB, a submachine rifle that was developed by Steer as a counter product to MP5 and later added rails by Swiss B & T, which acquired all rights.KWA KMP9R MP9 NS2 Gas Sub Machine Gun Ranger Grey $ 324.99 Read more. HPA parts 0 3D Parts 0 Airsoft Ammunition and Loaders 0 Battery, Charger, MOSFET 0 Gear.Športový obchod ,Lukostrelecké potreby, Luky a Kuše, Airsoftove, Paintbalové potreby, Skalolezectvo, Skialpinizmus,Turistika. Power has also been increased from 350fps to 390fps. Most notably, this version has some reinforced parts to make it more usable on TOP GAS. Note that KWA is the OEM manufacturer for KSC, so this model is almost identical to the KSC version, except with some minor modifications for markets outside of Japan.Airsoft Softair Parts Metall Selector Switch Set für Tokyo Marui, KWA, JG, Matrix, Echo 1, SRC G36 G36K. Magazin für KWA B&T MP9 A1 Airsoft GBB (fasst 48 BBS).

DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe KWA KMP9 Low Power Bolt is designed to drop the FPS of a.